Ever-1 for Everyone?

While we’re on the subject of robots, have you noticed they’re becoming more and more human all the time? This one — developed in Korea — is only the second android ever made, and though she can’t move from the waist down she comes in handy in some situations.

Korea has developed its own android capable of facial expressions on its humanoid face, the second such machine to be developed after one from Japan.

… Ever-1 can move its upper body and “express” happiness, anger, sadness and pleasure. But the robot is still incapable of moving its lower half. Ever-1’s skin is made from a silicon jelly that feels similar to human skin. The face is a composite of two stars, and its torso on a singer.

The 15 monitors in the robotic face allow it to interpret the face of an interlocutor and look back at whoever stands near it. Ever-1 also recognizes 400 words and can hold a basic verbal exchange.

According to the article, Ever-1 (Eve R-1. Get it?) could earn her keep by giving directions in department stores and read stories to children. On that last one, if you asked me, I’d bet that the kids (a) won’t be fooled by Ever-1, and might even be frightened.

But I just might lose that bet. Robot Dreams has a post up about a new robot from NEC that’s also designed to designed to interact with people, and is pictured with some happy looking kids.

Oh well. If I’m right, Ever-1 might be able to get work piloting tentacled flying robots.