Rest in Space

Humans have long imagined the stars as the place where loved ones reside after their deaths. Now the spiritual metaphor can become reality, thanks to a Japanese firm’s plans to give people a boost to heaven:

A venture business here is offering people the chance to get closer to space by launching a personal satellite business allowing customers to send ashes or photos of loved ones up into orbit for as long as 30 years.

The service is being provided by Yokohama-based firm Astro Research. The satellites are cube-shaped, measuring 25 cm to a side, inside which the memorabilia can be stored.

The satellites will be launched into space from overseas, and will orbit the earth at an altitude of between 600 and 800 kilometers for about 30 years. For several years customers will able to confirm their positions by radio….

But there is a catch — the price tag of the service is 100 million yen. For most people, that will make the cost of sending their memories into outer space astronomical. 

Sort of brings a whole new meaning to the notion that the deceased are looking down on you, now doesn’t it?