DIY Friday: Drink Beer on C-SPAN
Great flashback on Make:Online and Barminski:
OK, you’re not really going to drink beer on C-SPAN or Larry King Live. But you can make it look like you did on video. I don’t know why you’d want to, but let’s just say you do. I know I did.
The method used to achieve this effect is called compositing. You will need a source video recorded from a television show, a replacement video you will shoot yourself, and a static matte — a shape cut out of the source video with Photoshop to hold the new video.
Analog-to-video capture device
Final Cut Pro and Photoshop
Video camera
Microphone to record belch
Business suit
More from Barminski.
Maker Channel 103 – Smoke Rings, Theremin Orchestra, Pulse-Jet, Beer on CSPAN from make magazine on Vimeo.