WBMSAT Satellite Industry News Bits 01/31/2014
SpaceX launches its first GEO satellite and proves upgraded Falcon 9 v1.1 with three launches within a few months – United Launch Alliance re-entering commercial market – incumbents not surprised as competition heats up in satellite manufacturing and launching market. [NSR – 02/12/2014]

Space Daily File Image
Russia, U.S. to pool efforts in the creation of asteroid diversion techniques. [Space Daily – 01/31/2014]
Lockheed Martin MUOS satellite tests show extensive reach in polar communications capability. [The Wall Street Journal – 01/31/2014]
Canada’s Sapphire military satellite designed to track objects in high Earth orbit begins operations. [Space News – 01/31/2014]

Neosat satellite platform – Credit: ESA artist’s cocnept – Space News
French space agency CNES aligns research and technology budget with attempt to increase French and European satellite telecommunications prime contractors’ share of global commercial market to 50% by 2020, up from 30% now. [Space News – 01/31/2014]

Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite – Credit: CNES artist’s concept – Space News
UK to invest $25 million in French environmental satellite projects. [Space News – 01/31/2014]
3rd Space Operations Squadron has been repositioning satellites during nine-month effort to optimize the military wideband communications constellation. [Defense Systems – 01/31/2014]
Globecomm Systems extends contract with Avanti to deploy satellite broadband services to thousands of businesses in South Africa. [Business Wire – 01/31/2014]
Beam Communications selects Two10degrees to power their new Beam Tracking Portal (BTP). [SatNews – 01/31/2014]
SES and EUTELSAT settle their dispute and conclude a series of agreements concerning the 28.5 degrees east orbital position. [Wall Street Journal – 01/30/2014]
IDATE predicts global TV market revenue to grow at steady pace. [Satellite Markets & Research – 01/30/2014]
Reportlinker adds report “Analysis of Global Wireless Backhaul via Satellite Market” to its catalogue. [Market Watch – 01/30/2014]
European satellite navigation services to start this year after Galileo and Copernicus satellites launch in March. [Via Satellite – 01/30/2014]
European Space Agency converts previously contracted back-up launch on a Rockot to a firm agreement with Eurockot Launch Services for placing into orbit an additional Copernicus Sentinel class satellite. [SatNews – 01/30/2014]

Plato – Credit: artist’s concept from Thales Alenia Space (left) and artist’s concept from EADS Astrium (center) – Space News
Planet-hunting Plato wins backing of European scientists for $1B medium-class mission. [Space News – 01/30/2014]
European Commission’s effort to set common European regulations on the sale of high-resolution satellite imagery outside Europe is blocked by British government. [Space News – 01/30/2014]
Globalstar announces Sat-Fi, a new voice and data solution seamlessly integrating Wi-Fi devices with Globalstar’s satellite constellation. [Via Satellite – 01/30/2014]
Thuraya unveils Orion IP maritime broadband terminal. [Satellite Evolution Group – 01/30/2014]
Satcom Direct becomes an Inmarsat Broadband Global Area Network distribution partner. [Aviation Pros – 01/30/2014]
Advantech Wireless releases advanced Multi-Carrier Demodulator (MCD). [Satellite Evolution Group – 01/30/2014]

Planet Labs’ Dove 2 spacecraft. Photo: Planet Labs – Via Satellite
African Heirs Holding invests in U.S. start up Planet Labs, looking to transform the way imaging of the Earth is carried out with introduction of “Dove” spacecraft. [Via Satellite – 01/30/2014]
McMurdo Group enters satellite search and rescue market. [Via Satellite – 01/30/2014]

Europe’s Sentinel 1 radar satellite – Credit: ESA photo – Space News
European government group says radar satellites and Wi-Fi cannot coexist in the same slice of radio spectrum. [Space News – 01/29/2014]
With one-two punch of Super Bowl and Winter Olympics in Sochi, 2014 shapes up as upswing year for contribution and occasional use satellite TV markets. [NSR – 01/29/2014]

Soyuz rocket – Credit: Arianespace photo – Space News
Logjam at European Spaceport puts Arianespace in a ticklish spot. [Space News – 01/29/2014]
Orange Business Services expands network capacity in Siberia on NSS-12 satellite in deal with SES. [The Wall Street Journal – 01/29/2014]
Afghanistan signs strategic partnership with Eutelsat, hoping to accelerate access to satellite infrastructure for digital services with an in-orbit satellite to be deployed to 48 degrees East in February 2014. [Broadband TV News – 01/29/2014]
Inmarsat’s BGAN SDR waveform receives SCA certification from Joint Tactical Radio System Test and Evaluation Laboratory. [Herald online – 01/29/2014]
O3b completes successful live test of broadband voice and video on 4G/LTE networks. [Via Satellite – 01/29/2014]
Comtech Telecommunications Corp. is awarded $3.2 million order from a government systems integrator for DoubleTalk Carrier-in-Carrier powered DMD2050E satellite modems. [Market Watch – 01/29/2014]
SkyVision partners with Romantis to deliver quality VSAT platform solution to SkyVision customers worldwide. [Via Satelite – 01/29/2014]
2014 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) comments addressing comsatcom receives praise for some sections, but still falls short with respect to Industry white paper shared with the government a year ago. [Via Satellite – 01/28/2014]
RFI-EUI merger with IRG brings greater focus to Carrier ID initiative. [Via Satellite – 01/28/2014]
2nd annual MilSatCom Middle East & Africa conference to be held Feb 24th & 25th in Dubai, UAE. [PRWeb – 01/28/2014]

NASA GPM – NASA photo -Via Satellite
NASA and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) scheduled February 27 to launch first coordinated international satellite, GPM, to provide near real-time observations on all types of precipitation. [Via Satellite – 01/28/2014]
Liberty Global to acquire Ziggo – combined venture to reach 7 million Dutch homes, providing video, broadband Internet and telephony services. [Via Satellite – 01/28/2014]
U.S. Navy surveys industry looking for companies who can demonstrate ability to develop and build MUOS-capable radio terminals. [Military & Aerospace Electronics – 01/27/2014]
Boeing receives first signals from NASA TDRS L satellite. [Via Satellite – Via Satellite – 01/27/2014]
Ball Aerospace completes integration of WorldView 3 spacecraft, scheduled to launch this summer for DigitalGlobe. [Via Satellite – 01/27/2014]
Eleven Asia Pacific mobile operators form region’s largest Machine-to-Machine (M2M) alliance, offering a “one-stop-shop” experience for M2M deployment in the region. [Via Satellite – 01/27/2014]
Three Romanian channels select the EUTELSAT 16A satellite to maximise reach. [The Wall Street Journal – 01/27/2014]

Eutelsat’s E172a South Pacific satellite beam – SatNews
NSSLGlobal extends reach in Australasia with the opening of a new teleport at the Perth International Telecommunications Centre. [SatNews – 01/27/2014]
Thuraya’s SatSleeve for Android launch brings MSS to top smartphone models. [Via Satellite – 01/27/2014]
Sass@sea system developed by MediaMobil as part of Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems (ARTES) program is allowing ships to optimize their bandwidth use at sea. [SatNews – 01/26/2014]
Via Satellite webcast March 5h – “High Utilization AND High Throughput Efficiency? Solving the TDMA vs. SCPC dilemma.” [Via Satellite – March]
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