An astronaut’s daughter sends her father a message — physically, in writing — while he’s orbiting in the ISS.
It’s emotional, social and very cool. Good marketing on Hyundai’s part, too.
Hyundai made a little girl’s wish come true for the whole world to see.
A team of eleven Genesis cars united to create “the largest tire track image” on the Delamar Dry Lake in the Nevada desert, United States. (Image size : 5.55 sq. km.) This extraordinary message has made it to the Guinness World Records® 2015.
I hope they sell a bunch of cars to rocket scientists!
Brilliant blog post today from our friends at The Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum in presenting Wonder Woman’s Invisible Jet in the Milestones of Flight Gallery.
Looks great, doesn’t it?
April 1st, 2015 in Front Page
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You might as well sell one to Sabrett’s to connect all their hot dog carts around the world. Hey, they’re selling branded merchandise, so why not?
Google, Facebook or Amazon might buy one, too. Does anybody at Reuters check this stuff? One call to anybody in the business would tell you “you’re way off on this one.” This is link bait.
Designing, building, launching and operating a spacecraft takes a long time and costs a lot of money. Understand this. This cannot change.
You can have all the bandwidth and high-throughput possible on the spacecraft’s payload, but it means absolutely nothing if you can’t make use of it on the ground. One-to-many distribution is where this technology makes sense — not point-to-point or multipoint-to-multipoint. That’s why TV loves satellite. This network topology can’t change much. Higher frequencies need better antennae for reception — and transmit has its own challenges. If you plan on using mobile frequencies such as those used by Thuraya in Asia and the Middle East, you’d be planning on coordinating with terrestrial and mobile telecoms for more years than it would take to build the spacecraft.
Get over it, people. Building a new satcom network isn’t worth it. It’s like selling hot dogs on Mars: who are you going to sell it to?
With O3b Networks actually operating and building out globally, get in that space and figure out how you can work with it. Latency is minimized on the tech side, and terrestrial connectivity is being added for “the other 3 billion people” inhabiting this planet who are without Internet access.
And put some mustard on it.
March 27th, 2015 in Space Business
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Latest Snowden files released describe secret spy activity over the South Pacific region performed within Waihopai earth station in New Zealand. [Stuff – 03/08/2015]
Russian carrier rocket Soyus-ST with broadband communications satellites launched last December. (Jody Arriet/AFP) – Mail & Guardian
South Africa’s intelligence service reportedly relied on a spy “with direct access to the Russian government” to find out details of its own government’s involvement in a R1.14-billion joint satellite surveillance programme with Russia. [Mail & Guardian – 02/27/2015]
SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches NOAA’s Deep Space Climate Observatory mission – Credit: SpaceX – Space News
SES agrees to be the inaugural customer aboard an enhanced version of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket following careful review of its more powerful first stage engine block. [Space News – 02/202015]
China nears launch of hack-proof ‘quantum communications’ link, plans satellite launch in 2016 as first step towards quantum network in the sky. [Market Watch – 02/09/2015]