Posts Tagged ‘clarke’
Arthur C. Clarke Awards for 2012
Wednesday, April 11th, 2012Arthur C. Clarke Foundation Confers Honors for Lifetime Achievement, Innovation, and Imagination to Vint Cerf, Pradman Kaul and Sir Ken Robinson.
The Arthur C. Clarke Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes “an individual, a group or an entity that exemplifies the values and accomplishments of Sir Arthur’s life. The award honors substantial and enduring contributions that relate the sciences and arts in meeting the challenges of contemporary life and the needs of tomorrow.”
The 2012 Lifetime Achievement Award winner is Vinton G. Cerf, widely known as one of the “Fathers of the Internet.” Cerf is the co-inventor of the architecture and the basic protocols of the Internet.
This year’s Innovator Award honoree is Pradman Kaul, President of Hughes Network Systems, LLC. Kaul is being recognized for his sustained leadership in advancing satellite communications.
Since heading up the engineering team in a Maryland garage start-up that invented satellite networking using VSATs (very small aperture terminals) in the mid-1980s, and then growing it as chief executive of Hughes Network Systems into a billion dollar company, Pradman Kaul has been a leading force in the worldwide satellite industry. He has spearheaded the development of satellite networks for commercial applications globally, and is widely recognized for contributions in both business and technology spheresSir Ken Robinson, PhD, was selected by the Foundation as its first-ever Imagination honoree. An internationally recognized leader in the development of education, creativity and innovation, Sir Ken works with governments in Europe, Asia, and the United States, with international agencies, Fortune 500 companies and some of the world’s leading cultural organizations.
In 1998, he led a national commission on creativity, education and the economy for the UK Government. All Our Futures: Creativity, Culture and Education (The Robinson Report) was published to wide acclaim in 1999. He was the central figure in developing a strategy for creative and economic development as part of the Peace Process in Northern Ireland, working with the ministers for training, education enterprise and culture. The resulting blueprint for change, Unlocking Creativity, was adopted by politicians of all parties and by business, education and cultural leaders across the Province.
Live webcast of the Awards presentation at 18:00 EDT on Thursday, 12 April 2012. Or watch it right here:
Sir Arthur’s Future (1964)
Wednesday, April 11th, 2012Remarkable and fantastic predictions from Sir Arthur C. Clarke, via the BBC programme “Horizon” from 1964.
Part 1
Part 2
It Was 49 Years Ago Today
Wednesday, July 13th, 2011
This Telstar, a ground spare currently in the care of the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, is what gave birth to a huge space-based business: video by satellite. On this day in 1962, a video link between the U.S. and France proved what Sir Arthur conceived in 1947.