All Fracked Up and No Place to Go
Friday, September 6th, 2013
SkyTruth’s view of the Bakken from space. The red stuff at the upper left is rig lighting and flaring from oil and gas drillers working the Bakken Shale. The bright area on the right is the city of Minneapolis.
The folks over at SkyTruth are doing a really good job, using existing observation spacecraft and they’re ready to send up a balloon to document what other ways frackers are polluting.
I missed this coverage over the summer…
Thanks to that and lots of other people, they’ve met their funding goal on indiegogo. The project…
SkyTruth is teaming up with Space for All for a skytruthing mission over the massive Bakken shale oil and gas fields in western North Dakota. We’re planning to launch a sensor package from the ground to the edge of space tethered to a high altitude balloon rig, courtesy of Space for All. We will combine on the ground observations with detections from the balloon rig and measurements we are making from space to measure the amount of natural gas flaring there. This will help us test the accuracy of our satellite-based flaring detections so we can do a better job of monitoring and reporting on the amount of environmentally damaging (and unnecessary and wasteful) flaringthat happens in the Bakken and elsewhere in the world. The more good data we can collect on when, where, and how much, the more we can help groups that are working to reduce and eliminate it. This is what we mean by skytruthing – using remote sensing and mapping to understand and change the world.
Read more about the Bakken and oil shale fracking in this great piece by National Geographic: The New Oil Landscape
Watch their video pitch…
Hat tip to Motherboard.