HDTV Race Update
In the HDTV race, it looks like satellite is still winning. At least according to this report from CNET. The report only tracks a few providers in each category, but the result is pretty clear.
In fact DirecTV claims even more HD channels than the CNET report counts. Their website lists over 130. DISH Network isn’t far behind, and they’re promising 150 HD channels by the end of this year.
About a year ago, Comcast promised 800 HD channels by the end of 2008. Though their definition of "channel" was a bit fishy:
[They] include everything from local stations to high-def networks such as Discovery HD Theater to HD Video on Demand services such as new video releases. In other words, if the movie Casino Royale is available in high-def on Comcast On Demand, that would be a channel choice. If Discovery HD Theater offers a handful of Planet Earth documentaries in high-def on demand, that, too, would be a channel choice.
They’re doing pretty well in reaching their target. Right now, they’re claiming "over 500 HD shows and movies at any given time".
If you’re a little (er…a lot) late jumping on the HD bandwagon, you can still buy a Pansat 9200HD for less than 400 bucks and downlink HD free-to-air via satellite. Check the Satellite Guys fora for more detail than you can handle.