Posts Tagged ‘altoids tin’

DIY Friday: USB Charger Kit

Friday, February 16th, 2007

No matter how cool gadgets get — and whether you buy them or make them yourself — battery life is still the barrier that reminds us that cool stuff only remains cool so long as the juice is flowing.

Unfortunately, toting around all the different chargers that one needs to keep cameras, MP3 players, cell phones and other gadgets going can be a pain in the posterior.

And so for today’s edition of DIY Friday, we present to you…. (drumroll)….. a tin of Altoids!

Ok, not quite. Close observers will notice that little USB port over on the left. Open up the tin, and this is what you’ll find:

The inner workings of a DIY USB Charger Kit, made from this schematic:

What’s that? Need more detail, you say? Complete details on how to make your own USB charger kit for your personal gadgets — with or without the handsome Altoids case — can be found here. An even quicker way to jumpstart your weekend project is to buy this kit from Make magazine. For only $20 plus shipping and a few hours of your time, you can have your own portable way of recharging your gadgets without towing around a bevy of chargers and cords.